Transition to Adult Health and Social Care Services
Transition to Adult Health and Social Care Services
Until the age of 18, services for children and young people with long-term health conditions are provided by child health and social care services. From 18, they’re usually provided by adult services.
Between the ages of 14 and 18, the child in Barking and Dagenham will start a “transition” to adult services. Transition should be an ongoing process rather than a single event, and tailored to suit the child’s needs. For more information about Barking and Dagenham Transition Pathway, please see Transition Pathway – Moving from Children’s Social Care Services to Adult Social Care Services.
For more information about Adult Social Care in Barking and Dagenham please see the Adult Social Care Information Meeting for Parents and Carers presentation slides.
For more information , please visit: Moving from Children services to Adult services
Meeting a New Team
Transition from child health services to adult health services will mean your child may start seeing a different team at your local hospital or health and social services department. It’s important everyone involved understands the process and feels supported and prepared to try to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible.
Transitioning to a New Mental Health Team
The age at which children and young people move to another mental health service can differ depending on where you live. For example, some transition at 16, others at 18 or older.
For more information, see our guide on moving on to adult mental health services or the advice for young people and parents from Young Minds.
Transition to Adult Social Care – Transition Assessment
If you are a young person getting support from children’s social care, we will help you prepare for adulthood.
You may be eligible for support from adult social care when you turn 18 years old. We will talk to you and your family at an early stage about this. If it appears that you might need adult social care, we will organise a care needs assessment to talk in more detail and check if you can get help from adult social care.
Please contact your social worker for more information. If you do not have a social worker, contact the Adult Intake Team on 020 8227 2915 or IntakeTeam@lbbd.gov.uk. You can also find more information on what to expect when ‘transitioning’ to adult social care here.
If you are not eligible for support from adult social care, we will still provide you with advice and support at an early stage to plan for and prepare for adulthood. This could include information and advice on living independently, employment and training and being as healthy as possible.
Barking and Dagenham Adult Care and Support System
Find out about getting an assessment in adult social care, support to adults to live at home, technology and equipment, care and housing options, support to people who provide unpaid care for a friend or family member and information on paying for adult social care
Please visit Adult Social Care or contact the Adult Intake Team on 020 8227 2915 or IntakeTeam@lbbd.gov.uk for more information.