It was wonderful to see and meet so many Just Say and other parents and carers during the Adult Social Care Information Meeting on 26th November 2024, which was organised by Douglas Maitland-Jones (Head of Mental Health – Adult Social Care), presented by Carolyn Greenaway (Head of Service Children & Young People with Disabilities), Sam Hanson (Service Manager – Adult Social Care), Clare Brutton (Head of Commissioning Disabilities), Fiona Russell (Director of Care Community and Health Integration), Taiwo Odukoya from NHS NELFT and Sarah Cumberbatch from SEND Information, Advice and Support Services (SENDIASS).
Here are 5 topics we presented and discussed with parents during the meeting:
- What is the process of moving from children’s social care to adulthood?
- Who is eligible for support from adult social care, and what types of support are available?
- What support and options exist for adults who are not eligible for adult social care?
- How does support from the NHS change as young people become adults?
- What support is available for parents and carers?
Thank you once again for the parents’ participation, and a special thank you to Douglas (Head of Mental Health – Adult Social Care) for compiling and sharing the presentation slides. We recognise that our work of preparing for adulthood extends beyond the meeting, and we are committed to continuously improving the sharing of information and coordinating services to support children and young people with SEND in their transition to adulthood.